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Pacific Energy Alderlea T5 Classic Insert LE Majolica Brown

By: Pacific Energy Fireplace Products
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Enjoy all the features of the cast iron T5 Insert LE with the added beauty and charm of lustrous porcelain enamel. Choose from Majolica Brown or Antique White finishes to create a striking centerpiece to provide long-lasting, clean-burning heat.

Technical Data

  • 72,000 BTU Cord Wood
  • 38,200 BTU EPA Test Fuel
  • Efficiency (HHV) 71.3%
  • Emissions 1.8 gm/hr.
  • Log Size (recommended) 16”
  • Log Size (max) 18 in”
  • Firebox Size 2.1 cu.ft.
  • Glass Viewing Area 152
  • Weight 480 lbs.

Standard Features

  • EPA 2020 Certified
  • Reliable, Durable Catalytic-Free Technology
  • Extended Burn Technology (EBT)
  • High capacity baffle system
  • Airwash Technology for clear, clean glass
  • Multi-port combustion air injection system
  • Floating firebox for extended stove life
  • 304 Stainless Steel Baffle, insulation cover, rails and flame shield
  • Boost air for easy lighting
  • Single-Lever Air Control
  • Cast iron warming shelf & ash lip
  • Two temperature-actuated variablespeed blowers
  • Removable flue collar
  • Inside and outside combustion air capable
  • North-South fuel loading

Design Options

  • Porcelain enamel finish in Majolica
  • Standard Surround Top (42 1/2” x 30 3/8”)
  • Oversized Surround Top (42 1/2” x 34 1/8”)
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