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Full Manufacturer's
Includes: Heavy gauge flue pipe to meet a finished floor to ceiling height of 9ft., the flat anchor plate required to hold the weight and suspend the fireplace, custom grate assembly, custom perforated safety screen. Stainless Steel Chimney System to be quoted.
The fireplace has been tested and certified to meet the standards of UL 737- Standard for Fireplace Stoves. & CAN/ULC -S610 - Standard for Factory-Built Fireplace Systems. Certified Under – ICC ES PMG-1574
For use with Solid wood fuel only.
- UL/ULC Approved Stainless Steel Chimney System
- All Standard fireplaces are painted in a High heat factory matte black finish.
- All dimensions are in inches.
- Exact measurements may vary ± ¼”.
- Custom integral grate assembly.
- Custom removable spark protection screen.
- Adjustable flue draft damper control.
- The height of the chimney vent must extend a minimum
of 3 ft. above the roof exit & a minimum of 2ft. above any
obstruction within 10ft. radius. - A minimum of 15ft. from fireplace opening to the top of
chimney is required for stronger drafts. - Optional decorative chimney cover available at an add’l cost.
- Custom anchor options available at an add’l cost.
- A minimum of 36” from the combustible materials and/or
walls around the fireplace open side and 18” around closed
side is required. 36” all around if a rotation device is used. - 2” around the chimney chimney system & 18” around flue
pipe is required - A minimum of 18” of non-combustible floor material from
the fireplace opening and 8” around the rest of the fireplace
close side including the portion underneath is required. - The bottom lip of the fireplace opening shall be at least 22”
from the floor
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