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Enviro Cube Gas Stove

By: Enviro Gas and Pellet Fuel Fireplace Products
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  • High Definition Log Set (Included)
  • Painted Black Finish (Included)
  • Ceramic Fluted Liner (Included)
  • Top / Rear Vent Convertible
  • Thermostat or remote compatible.
  • IPI Valve
  • Durable Stainless Steel Burner
  • Fluted Liner
  • Table or left/right reversible Long Table.
  • Cypress Green, Bordeaux Red, and Sage Green Panel Kits available separately.
  • 150 CFM Fan Kit
  • Heating Area 1,700 ft²
  • Max Input BTU(NG) 30,000
  • P4 Efficiency 60%
  • Glass Size 2214" W x 2014" H
  • Convection Fan 150 CFM
  • Unit Dims*
    • w/Table 24” W x 3518” H x 1734
    • w/Long Table 44” W x 3518” H x 19316” D
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