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Grand Canyon Vented Cannon Ball Set

By: Grand Canyon Gas Logs
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Luxury Fire

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Luxury Fire

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The Grand Canyon Vented Cannon Ball Set makes a fantastic contemporary option to the traditional gas log set. You can choose between 2", 4”, or 6” cannon balls, and three different finishes, which will give your fireplace a clean, contemporary, and consistent look. The burner for these cannon balls can be used in a single-sided or a see-through fireplace.

The finish on these ceramic cannonballs absorbs into the material rather than sitting on the surface, and as they age, the finish will remain over time. The burner also offers a lifetime warranty when installed indoors. With this flexibility and longevity, the Grand Canyon Vented Cannon Ball Set is sure to complete your hearth!


  • Burner available in 18”, 24”, 30”, 36”, 42", 48" and 60" sizes
  • Cannon balls available in Black, Gray, or Silver
  • Cannon balls available in mixed, 2", 4”, or 6” diameters
  • Multiple ignitions available
  • Burner has a lifetime warranty when installed indoors
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