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Net Zero E-One 130 Holographic Modern Electric Fireplace

By: NetZero Fire Products
E-one 130
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The stunningly realistic fire of the E-one is powered by electricity:
it does not rely on carbon-based fuels and has zero emissions, making it cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

The E-one Modern Electric Fireplace has low energy consumption, requiring only around 110 watts when operating. Every aspect of its design has been conceived with sustainability in mind, from its optimized assembly process to its recycled packaging. The E-one is not only energy efficient, but a choice for the environment.


Built-in, Front        

Standard features:

- Remote control            

- Dual HD Flame technology        

- Flat bottom plate             

- Atmos Heating            

- Dual HD Flame technology

- Hotel switch 

Energy consumption

stand-by mode: 9.2 W

stand-by mode: 12 W

- incl. anti-reflect function           

full operating mode: 70.2 W

- Dual HD Flame Technology, 

- excl. Atmos Heating         

full operating mode: 1,575 W

- Dual HD Flame Technology, 

- incl. Atmos Heating

heat output: 5,220 Btu/hr

Glass size:    

51.18 x 14.45 inch (width x height)    

Electrical connection:    

120V AC/60Hz/15 amps   



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