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Luxury Fire

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Luxury Fire

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Urbana U70 Bay Direct Vent Gas Fireplace

By: Urbana Luxury Gas Contemporary Fireplace Products
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Luxury Fire

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Luxury Fire

Price Guarantee


  • Double Glass Safety (no screen required).
  • Seamless Top to Bottom Glass (no gaps).
  • Top Lighting Kit (all models).
  • Ready to install with base options included.


  • Available Liners: Fluted, Infinity Glass, Steel (Included)
  • Vermiculite, Black Glass or Clear Glass
  • Steel, Antique Rust or Infinity Glass Bezels
  • Driftwood or Traditional Log Sets
  • River Rock Set w/Twigs
  • Shale Accent Media
  • Chase Comfort Kit
  • One Sided Installation Kit
  • Steel Framing Base Kit
  • Corner Install Kit
  • Multiple Intake and Output Venting Options


  • Max Input BTU (NG)52,500
  • Efficiency 59.2%
  • Glass Size*70" W x 20" H
  • *Rounded; consult manual or install guides for precise measurements.
    Specifications may vary based on selected options.
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