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Luxury Fire

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Valor H5 Direct Vent Fireplace

By: Valor Fireplace Products Inserts and Freestanding Stoves
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Luxury Fire

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H5 Gas Fireplace

The H5 is a diverse fireplace that blends distinct, high-quality materials with the latest in radiant and convective heat technology. The H5 caters to those seeking a modern flame appeal, and is equipped with three unique fuel bed options including birch logs, traditional logs, and driftwood. The built-in secondary heat exchanger naturally improves convective heat—removing the need for a fan.

The H5's compact design offers a generous viewing area, highlighting the ambient flames and glowing embers within.


Model Max Input Min Input Max Output Energuide
1100M 30,000 16,000 20,720 71.00%


Gas Type Natural Gas (NG) or Propane (LPG)
Valor 10 Remote Quick Guide | Manual | Mobile App


The V-Class burner system takes the Valor H5 to new heights with improved fires, realistic log sets, and radiant warmth. Discover more about the H5, including installation, front, and accessory options.



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