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Enviro P3 Pellet Stove

By: Enviro Gas and Pellet Fuel Fireplace Products
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EPA TAX Credit Approved
  • European designed cast iron accents.
  • Large capacity pellet hopper.
  • Heavy duty welded heat exchanger.
  • New "Comfort Level" system with internal thermostat.
  • P3 Side Panel Kit w/ Ash Pan Lip
    Painted Black
  • Heating Area 1,200 ft²
  • Max Input BTU 30,000
  • Efficiency** 80%
  • Glass Size 9 35" W x 14" H
  • Convection Fan 130 CFM
  • EPA Emissions 0.54 gms
  • Hopper Capacity 62 lbs
  • Unit Dims* 21” W x 34” H x 24” D
*Consult manual for detailed dimensions & clearances.
**Based on installation with Top Vent Adapter Kit.
Specifications may vary based on selected options.
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